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    Aesthetic & Micro-invasive Dentistry
    Invisalign Practitioner

    Dr. Med. Dentaire

    Mariona Palé Roca


    My name is Mariona.

    Hi, I’m Dr. Palé Roca, a dentist who loves creating beautiful and healthy smiles. I specialize in esthetic dentistry, Micro Invasive Dentistry, and Invisalign. I offer a variety of services, from teeth whitening and veneers to implants, Micro Invasive Dentistry, and Invisalign. Micro Invasive Dentistry is a less invasive way to preserve your teeth and tissue, while Invisalign is a clear alternative to braces. I use the latest technology and software to give you the best care possible. I also listen to your needs and goals, and create a personalized plan that fits your budget and expectations. Whether you want to enhance your smile, restore your oral health, or maintain your dental hygiene, I’m here to help you. Contact me today and let me show you what I can do for you!

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  • Diplomas & Courses

    Master en Médecine-Dentaire Esthétique,

    Université Internationale de Catalogne, Espagne

    Doctorat en Médecine-Dentaire

    Université de Genève, Suisse

    Cours intensif en Endodontie avancée

    Université Internationale de Catalogne, Espagne

  • Technical Publications

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of an in-office bleaching systemand the effect of potassium nitrate as a desensitizing agent. Odontology. 2013
    Aug 11

    Marginal adaptation of restorations with Bis-GMA freecomposites/adhesives in cavities prepared with a burr and with Er:YAG laser

  • I look forward to hearing from you.